1 Dec 2011

London Calling (Punk In The Park)

The outfit I bring you today is one of my big, big classics.

I can’t tell you how I came up with this look because the truth is I have no idea of how it happened. I remember myself standing in the bathroom trying to decide what to wear, and then my memory just skips to the point where I’m already dressed up like this.

I personally describe this outfit as a very British punk/dandy look done the Harajuku way.

On those days (I’m talking about early 2007), I had just landed my hands on three books that changed my approach to street wear almost completely: Fruits, Fresh Fruits and Gothic & Lolita, all published by Phaidon. Those books are basically a collection of photographs from Fruits Magazine and some other street snaps from Harajuku and Akihabara. I had been a fan of the Japanese culture (and extreme looks) for a very long time, but when I saw all those boys and girls wearing things that would have been impossible to find in Europe at that time, they immediately became my fashion heroes. It didn’t matter what style or subculture they represented. I loved the freedom, the fantasy, and, of course, the sense of humour that were present in all their stylings.

I could have never imagined, back then, that one day I would be getting daily news on Tokyo street fashion and have the chance to get in touch with the current trends! :P

However, back then, all I had were those three books and my imagination.

punk 02

(Source: Fruits – some of the looks that inspired my outfit)

It all probably started with the T-shirt. I’m not a fan of The Clash, but a T-shirt with such an iconic design was just begging to be a part of my wardrobe (:P). I was probably planning one of my typical punk outfits… and then inspiration struck me, and I just said to myself: “why not wearing this with my striped blazer instead?” I don’t know if that’s the real story or not, but that turned out to be a great idea.

I suppose the rest of the outfit just came along :P

The white platform creepers are the other key element in this look. This pair of shoes is, of course, one of my all-time favourites. They are as close as I can get to the wonderful Japanese shoes I keep dreaming of. Shoe design is one of those things at which the Japanese will always be light-years ahead of the rest of humanity. If I ever get to go to Japan – I mean: WHEN I finally get to Japan (:P), I swear I will be taking a huge extra suitcase with me just to fill it up with shoes!

Out of the World Harajuku Creepers Shibuya Random Sights, November 2011 03

(Source: TokyoFashion)

…and the golfer socks are the extra-funny detail that rounds up the mocking mood of the whole thing :)

What I specially love about this look is that it feels extremely teen. I’ve always liked the idea of taking adult elements (like blazers, golfer socks or dandy hats) that somehow represent the establishment and mixing them with pieces that look casual or even trashy to show that you just don’t care. Taking concepts defined by society and giving them new meanings that respond to your individual view of the world; creating your own rules – that’s what punk is all about, right? And that’s exactly what teenagers do, or at least it’s what I believe they should do.

I did this photoshoot a month before my 18th birthday, and that is right what these pictures represent: the promise of never getting too old to do the things I like. And that includes swinging until my legs fall off! (LOL)

That’s a promise we all should keep, don’t you think? :P


T-shirt: Fruit of the Loom
Jeans: MNG
Socks: unknown
Shoes: BCN Shoes
Blazer: MNG
Hat: MNG
Choker and chain: dog collars (purchased at Auchan)

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